
Australia's Political

The Commonwealth of Australia is made up of six states and two mainland territories. It is an independent Western democracy with almost 22 million people
The Australian Government is based on the liberal democratic tradition, which upholds the right to freedom of speech and association and a commitment to religious tolerance.
Australia is a constitutional monarchy, recognising Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain as head of state. Her representative in Australia is the Governor-General.
The nation's political structure, as well as its legal and educational institutions, is based on British and American models. The Constitution gives the Federal Government power over defense, foreign affairs, trade and commerce, taxation, customs and excise duties, pensions, immigration and postal services while other powers are held by the States.

Political Parties

The main political parties are the Labor Party, Liberal Party and the National Party. For the last 50 years Australian politics has been dominated by two political groupings - a Conservative coalition of the Liberal and National Parties and the Labor Party. Currently, the Labor Party is in power and the coalition is in Opposition.
The current Australian Prime Minister is Julia Gillard and the Deputy Prime Minister is Wayne Swan.

Key Facts

§  The Commonwealth of Australia was created in 1901 when the former British colonies—now Australia’s six states—agreed to federate.
§  Although Australia is a fully independent parliamentary democracy, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is also formally the Queen of Australia.
All citizens over the age of 18 must vote in both federal and state government elections.


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