
Religion in Canada

Nowhere in our Canadian pluralistic society is there as great a reflection of our openness, diversity and tolerance than in our approach to an individual’s understanding of her/his faith or spirituality. The complexity and diversity of religions represented in this publication clearly demonstrates the vastness of the Canadian spiritual landscape as reflected in the Canadian Forces. Our current world focus pushes all Canadians and especially members of the Canadian Forces to grapple with issues of personal faith and spirituality while at the same time attempting to understand the faith and spiritual perspective of others.

Humans are spiritual beings who ask spiritual questions of meaning, relationship and self-awareness. Spirituality has to do with our need to understand who we are and how we relate to ourselves, to others and to our world, and for some, to God. Truly effective CF members are ones who are attending to spiritual issues with the same healthy attitude as they afford their physical and mental well-being. The demands of military service present enormous challenges for men and women, frequently calling them to have a firm understanding of the deeper questions of life. Dealing with trauma, managing violence with integrity, serving others before self, facing ethical challenges successfully, and developing values that enrich one’s community are all, at their core, spiritual values. Through the exploration of spiritual issues a person discovers the values that strengthen resolve, promote decency and encourage women and men to do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reason. Exploring one’s understanding of spirituality, especially one’s interconnectedness to others, moves a person from a crippling self-centeredness to a view of life that respects the dignity of others and promotes loyalty and sacrifice for the benefit of the broader community.

For many, spiritual issues are addressed in the context of their practice and understanding of their religious traditions. Given the great variety of religious traditions represented both in Canadian society and so clearly demonstrated in this publication, it is incumbent on all members of the Canadian Forces to garner as clear an understanding as possible of their sisters and brothers who serve alongside them. Within the pluralistic environment of the CF, military chaplains play an extremely important role in the provision and facilitation of venues in which members and their families can explore their own spiritual and religious practices while keeping respect for the traditions of others. Religious accommodations are one example of how we demonstrate our sincere desire to take seriously and respect the faith practices of all. Understanding oneself and others decreases prejudice while opening doors to cooperation and trust.

On behalf of the Interfaith Committee on Canadian Military Chaplaincy (ICCMC), which oversees the provision of chaplains to the CF for all religious traditions, I commend this resource to all who use it whether for personal growth or as a leadership tool to more clearly understand those who serve their country in the Canadian Forces.

The Right Reverend Peter Coffin
Chair Interfaith Committee on Canadian Military Chaplaincy

  • The Canadian Forces Emblem, next to the name of a religion signifies that, as of the date of publication, this particular denomination had at least one representative in the Canadian Forces Chaplaincy.
  • The Religions in Canada book is a publication produced, first and foremost, for education and awareness. It is also meant to assist Commanding Officers and supervisors understand and respond to requests for accommodation based on religious/spiritual grounds.

 It is not meant as, nor has it ever held itself out to be, official endorsement or acknowledgment of a particular religion, spirituality or faith group by the Canadian Forces. Inclusion in the publication does not afford the specific religion, spirituality or faith group with any special status or privileges in the Canadian Forces. Likewise, other religions and persuasions not specifically described are equally entitled to consideration for religious accommodation.


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